Local Flower Boutique Gets Business Startup Assistance and Finds Funding
Meet Daisy Flower Boutique from Regina, SK
" To make my dream a reality I needed a business plan, a way to get funding and really I needed guidance without spending a fortune. Canada Startups did exactly that for me in no time."
Meet Daisy Flower Boutique, a small local flower shop in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Not a new business, but a new owner. Meet Daisy Flower Boutique was purchased in March of 2014 by a stay at home mother who thought it would be a great idea to make a side-income and get away from the kids a little. Instead she got much more than she bargained for. The business picked up, and now she was a full time stay at home mom, who spent all of her time at the shop.
Realizing the success of the business, she decided to start up another location with the help of a friend and her husband in opposite part of the city to expand her delivery route. At this time is when she realized that her business knowledge is limited and her capital to invest into a new location isn't as much as she hoped for.
What Meet Daisy Flower Boutique needed for a 2nd location was business training, and guidance to start up a copy of the existing business model and hopefully funding to purchase new property and hire some staff.
Not a new business, but a new owner. Meet Daisy Flower Boutique was purchased in March of 2014 by a stay at home mother who thought it would be a great idea to make a side-income and get away from the kids a little. Instead she got much more than she bargained for. The business picked up, and now she was a full time stay at home mom, who spent all of her time at the shop.
Realizing the success of the business, she decided to start up another location with the help of a friend and her husband in opposite part of the city to expand her delivery route. At this time is when she realized that her business knowledge is limited and her capital to invest into a new location isn't as much as she hoped for.
What Meet Daisy Flower Boutique needed for a 2nd location was business training, and guidance to start up a copy of the existing business model and hopefully funding to purchase new property and hire some staff.
Meet Daisy Flower Boutique had always been a successful small business in Regina according to the previous owner, and the new owner. Joanne, the new owner of Meet Daisy Flower Boutique purchased the shop from the ready to retire Daisy, who wanted to spend her time with her family and travelling.
Little did Joanne know that the original store owner didn't do much to promote, or to advertise the business - maybe it was lack of knowledge, no desire for further success or something else; but when Joanne took over, she went online, created a website, a Facebook page and some more marketing campaigns - and things took off.
Meet Daisy Flower Boutique had more customers in the few months that she owned the business than the previous store owner had all year long. And they just kept coming.
As a stay at home mom, this was a little too much to handle, but she stuck through thinking things would die down after a while.
After pitching the idea to one of her close friends, Joanne had the idea to start up a second location to cover more ground.
One issue came up. Meet Daisy Flower Boutique expenses were higher than originally thought, and the cost to start a new place would be more than she currently had, or planned to spend to set it up.
She partnered up with her friend, and had a small investment in place but she soon realized she didn't know what needed to be done to start from scratch and get it all set up. This is where Joanne and her partner turned to CanadaStartups.org for assistance and guidance in registering a 2nd business location and getting access to the Funding Database.
After some time and preparation, the 2nd store came to life. Joanne and her new business partner took some of the advice found in the Small Business Startup Database and applied it to their business, and they were able to start the 2nd store with much less capital than originally intended.
They also applied for a low interest government loan to pay off some of their equipment needed, as well as they obtained a wage subsidy and were able to hire additional staff to help launch the shop.
Little did Joanne know that the original store owner didn't do much to promote, or to advertise the business - maybe it was lack of knowledge, no desire for further success or something else; but when Joanne took over, she went online, created a website, a Facebook page and some more marketing campaigns - and things took off.
Meet Daisy Flower Boutique had more customers in the few months that she owned the business than the previous store owner had all year long. And they just kept coming.
As a stay at home mom, this was a little too much to handle, but she stuck through thinking things would die down after a while.
After pitching the idea to one of her close friends, Joanne had the idea to start up a second location to cover more ground.
One issue came up. Meet Daisy Flower Boutique expenses were higher than originally thought, and the cost to start a new place would be more than she currently had, or planned to spend to set it up.
She partnered up with her friend, and had a small investment in place but she soon realized she didn't know what needed to be done to start from scratch and get it all set up. This is where Joanne and her partner turned to CanadaStartups.org for assistance and guidance in registering a 2nd business location and getting access to the Funding Database.
After some time and preparation, the 2nd store came to life. Joanne and her new business partner took some of the advice found in the Small Business Startup Database and applied it to their business, and they were able to start the 2nd store with much less capital than originally intended.
They also applied for a low interest government loan to pay off some of their equipment needed, as well as they obtained a wage subsidy and were able to hire additional staff to help launch the shop.
Whether you are thinking of starting a business, buying a business, buying a franchise, already in business or think that you know it all - think again. Use the services offered by CanadaStartups.org and for the cost you will not be sorry. Within just a few weeks we got the knowledge we needed to plan, register and launch our 2nd location and actually feel good about it all considering it all paid off after we got some funding from the government thanks to the database and list of all of the funding programs.